Field descriptions: Site

General tab

Field Description

The switch to make a site available or unavailable for use in other pages.

Company The company the site belongs to.
Country The country of the site.
Currency The currency of the selected company. You cannot select another one.
Description A description for the site.
ID The descriptive ID of the site. You can change it anytime because this is not the technical ID of the site.
Name The name of the site.

A graphic that represents the structure of the company the site belongs to.

Sequence number value Unlike site IDs having a length which may differ from one site to another, this value identifies the site with an alphanumeric, 2-character constant. This value is used instead of the site ID when you generate documents with a sequence number set with the Site component.
SIRET The SIRET number of the site. This field only displays when the country is France.
Tax ID The tax identification number of the site.
Time zone

The continent and closest location in the continent to the site.

Management tab

Field Description

The switch to turn the current site as a financial site on or off.

Financial site

The financial site the current site is associated with.

This field only displays if the Finance switch is turned off.


The switch to turn the manufacturing functionality on or off.

Project management The switch to turn the project management functionality on or off.

The switch to turn the purchasing functionality on or off.

Sales The switch to turn the sales functionality on or off.
Stock The switch to turn the stock functionality on or off.

The following section only displays if the Stock switch is turned on.

Field Description
Default location

The default Location of the current site. This field only displays if the Location management switch is turned on.

Location management

The switch to turn the location management on or off.

Stock status The default Stock status of the current site.

Purchasing approval block

Field Description
Approver The user whose approval is required when creating a purchase requisition or purchase order for the site.
Order The switch to turn off the approval workflow process for the purchase orders.
Requisition The switch to turn off the approval workflow process for the purchase requisitions.
Substitute approver

The user whose approval is required when the approver is not available.

Sales approval block

Field Description

The user whose approval is required when creating a sales return for the site.

Return request The switch to turn off the approval workflow process for the sales return requests.
Substitute approver

The user whose approval is required when the approver is not available.

Addresses tab

These fields display when you add or edit an address.

Field Description

The switch to make the address available or unavailable for use on other pages.

Address line 1 / Address line 2

The address details.


The city or town where the address is located.


The country where the address is located.


The company or person at this address.

Phone number

The phone number for the address.

Primary address

Checkbox that defines this as the primary address used by default on other pages.





The field label and formatting change according to the selected country.

ZIP code

Postal code

The postal code or ZIP code according to the selected country.


These fields display when you add or edit a contact for an address.

Field Description

The switch to make the contact available or not for this address.


The contact email address.

First name / Last name

The contact first name and last name.

Phone number

The contact phone number.


The contact job title.

Preferred name

The contact's preferred name if different from the first name.

Primary contact

Checkbox that defines this as the primary contact for this address. Each address can have a different primary contact.


The type of contact: Commercial contact, Financial contact, or Main contact.


The contact title: Dr., Mr., Mrs., or Ms.

Financial tab

This tab displays existing dimensions.

Field Description
Channel Dimension for a specific channel.
Department Dimension for a specific department.
Project Dimension for projects.

Site groups

Field Description
Company Indicates whether the site group is linked to a company or not.
ID The ID of the group the site belongs to.
Name The name of the group the site belongs to.

User groups

Authorization groups

Field Description
Created by The name of the user who created the group.
Name The name of the Authorization group list the site group belongs to.
Updated by The name of the last user who updated the group.