Field descriptions: Company

General tab

Company information block

Field Description

The switch to make the company available or unavailable for use in other functions.

Currency The company currency.
ID The descriptive ID of the company. You can change it anytime because this is not the technical ID of the company.
Legal form The legal form for a French company.
Legislation The legislation for the company.
NAF (APE) The NAF code for a French company.
Name The name the company uses in reports and other documents. It can be different from the legal name of the company.
Organization A graphic that represents the structure for the company and its sites.
RCS The RCS number for a French company.
Sequence number value This value identifies the company with an alphanumeric 2-character constant. This value is used instead of the company ID when you generate documents with a sequence number set with the Company component.
SIREN The SIREN number for a French company.

Addresses tab


The fields below display when you select Add an address.

Field Description

The switch to make the address available or unavailable for use on other pages.

Address line 1
Address line 2

The address details.


The city or town where the address is located.


The country where the address is located.


The company or person at this address.

Phone number

The phone number for the address.


Checkbox that defines this as the primary address used by default on other pages.





The field label and formatting change according to the selected country.

ZIP code

Postal code

The postal code or ZIP code according to the selected country.


The fields below display when you select the Add contact from the More actions icon for an address.

Field Description

The switch to make the contact available or not for this address.


The contact email address.

First name
Last name

The contact first name and last name.

Phone number

The contact phone number.


The contact job title.

Preferred name

The contact's preferred name if different from the first name.


Checkbox that defines this as the primary contact for this address. Each address can have a different primary contact.


The type of contact: Commercial contact, Financial contact, or Main contact.


The contact title: Dr., Mr., Mrs., or Ms.

Management tab

Field Description
Customer on hold check

Signifies the customer on-hold status:

  • Blocking: Their open sales orders are put on hold and shipments cannot be created. You can update or create new sales orders, but you cannot confirm nor ship them. You can still create invoices, return requests, and credit memos for a customer on hold.

  • Warning: Open sales orders can be confirmed and shipped, and you can create new sales orders. You can proceed with sales transactions. A message displays next to the sold-to customer to inform you the customer is on hold.

  • None: You can create and proceed with any sales transaction.

When you integrate customers with Sage Intacct, the value for the Customer on hold check option comes from Sage Intacct. You can only manage this option in Sage Intacct. A task is scheduled on the Job schedule page to update the value of the Customer on hold check field from Sage Intacct each night, or at the time you scheduled. Or you can select the Refresh button to update the value in real time. Any update is tracked on the Batch task history page.

The on hold option is managed on the Customer page, on the Financial tab.
Tax calculation package

The tax calculation method used to calculate and determine taxes applied in the distribution flows.

Update amount paid on sales document reports The switch to turn on updating the amount paid on sales document when you print the document. When it is ON, the amount paid is updated from Sage Intacct when you print.
If company-level dimensions or attributes are missing on transaction lines for company documents, you receive an error message when saving or posting. This applies to sales or purchasing invoices and credit memos.

Posting tab

Finance block

Field Description
AP posting The switch to turn the AP posting on or off. When it is turned ON, journal entries are generated when you post supplier invoices.
AR posting The switch to turn the AR posting on or off. When it is turned ON, journal entries are generated when you post customer invoices.
Posting class The posting class used to define default accounts used to post specific transactions to the general ledger.

Stock block

Field Description
Non absorbed amount posting For stock movements, non-absorbed costs are posted to the same journal as stock movements but on a separate line or account. It is recommended to switch ON for US, UK, SA companies.
Stock posting

The switch to turn the stock posting on or off. When it is turned ON, you can generate journal entries from stock movements.

If you are integrating with Sage FRP 1000: In the current version, this switch must be turned OFF. The generated journal entries cannot be posted to Sage FRP 1000.

Manufacturing block

Field Description
WIP posting

The switch to turn the WIP posting on or off. When it is turned ON, you can generate journal entries from WIP movements.

If you are integrating with Sage FRP 1000: In the current version, this switch must be turned OFF. The generated journal entries cannot be posted to Sage FRP 1000.

Dimensions tab

If company-level dimensions or attributes are missing on transaction lines for company documents, you receive an error message when saving or posting. This applies to sales or purchasing invoices and credit memos.

Required dimensions grid

The selection of dimensions available is dynamic and displays existing dimensions and attributes that are active.

Column Description
Name The dimensions required for company-related transactions.

Default dimensions rules grid

The grid is dynamic and displays existing dimensions and attributes that are active.

Column Description
Document and origin Select the document and origin combination. Direct refers to documents not created by an order-to-order process.